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The Pigdog Diaries
21 juillet 2008

Bad tooth day

Everybody has bad hair days sometimes. Today I had a bad tooth day. One of my wisdom teeth decided to remind me of its existence, maybe to justify its position in my mouth, what do I know? Anyway. Wisdom hurts. And for some unknown reason, I am also very, very tired. I've been drinking one red bull after the other and I'm still a zombie. So today was a hard day at work. And when I'm tired and in pain, I go through different phases, I mostly alternate between angry and stupidly laughing for no reason. And I say crap all day long. And the fun thing with teenagers is that they believe everything you say. It always takes them a while to figure out that you were being sarcastic. I love messing up with teenagers' minds.

So, the stupid things that made me laugh uncontrollably today... Well, first, I realised that the names of the two guys in my group who are always hanging around together are Victor and Hugo. Victor Hugo. Isn't that funny? Tired Me thought it was really funny. I literally couldn't stop laughing, and Victor and Hugo thought I was pathetic. Whatever. Now instead of calling their names I call them the Miserable Ones. And this IS funny.

Then we went to the Aquarium and the students complained because we had our hand stamped (and the stamp is in the shape of a shark). To make them feel better, I said they should be happy to have their hands stamped, it makes them look cool because it looks like they've been clubbing. In the Shark Club. Oh yeah. As if that wasn't stupid enough I added that the Shark was the name of a bar in the series Heartbreak High. What? Don't look at me like you've never heard of that series! What? You were 5 years old when it was on TV? Well thank you for making me feel old! Go f*** yourselves! (yeah I also become rude when I'm very tired).

Then I learned that this girl's boyfriend is from Brittany. Again, I thought that was funny, don't ask me why. I asked the girl if she was going wild on week ends drinking cider and eating crepes and dancing to Celtic music. Luckily the girl's got a good sense of humour.

Then one of the boys asked me what I was planning to do after the aquarium. This will only make French-speaking people laugh. Instead of answering "je vais faire du shopping" (I'm going shopping) I said "je vais choper." (going flirting/cruising). The boy was first taken aback and then was shouting to everyone "Have you heard what she told me?!". Great.

Then I was relieved to see it was time for me to take more painkillers. My students saw me swallowing those funny looking pills and asked me what it was. As an answer, I asked them not to tell my boss I was doing ecstasy.

What? Am I not allowed to have a bad day once in a while? I'll be nicer with them tomorrow. And they love me, even when I say crap all day long. And you know what, I'm tired and in a bad mood, so I won't tell you now about my adventures on the red brick road. You'll have to wait. Ha! In your face!
