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The Pigdog Diaries

4 mars 2009

one year

one year
Hitt esch's schon a ganzes Joor drom. Dü fahlst uns. Papapa, egàl wo dü besch, seng eb's scheens, breng uns noch e mol Schnee fers Ostere un lach di a velo!
1 mars 2009

So nice so smart

Dear reader, Some long narrative posts are in preparation, you're gonna love them! In the meantime, I'm inviting you to play a little game that is not going to answer your questions about life, the universe and everything, but that will hopefully make...
15 février 2009

Valentine considerations

Valentine considerations
Photo by Cédric for Cup And Cake So... Valentine's day! I was going to purposely not mention it, as I usually do. But I HAVE to talk about it. I have never celebrated this - to me - meaningless event. Except maybe back in school when my friends and I...
12 février 2009

Amanda Palmer and the Danger Ensemble

Amanda Palmer and the Danger Ensemble
Imagine Amanda Palmer and her usual gloomy piano. Add four off-the-wall Australian comedians, a violin genius with a striking resemblance with Barney Stinson, and some various guests, like a musical saw player. Then imagine all these people brilliantly...
15 janvier 2009

Tired now

Tired now
Discover Yann Tiersen!
6 janvier 2009

Quand te reverrai-je, pays merveilleux ?

Quand te reverrai-je, pays merveilleux ?
I sometimes wonder if life is sending me signs. Like "if you keep trying to practise winter sports, something really bad is going to happen." Or maybe it's just "you're very clumsy Cécile. Try not to be a danger for the people surrounding you." Let me...
25 novembre 2008

The happy phantom

Snow can wait, I forgot my mittens. Wipe my nose, get my new boots on... It's November 25th and winter has come. I know it. I am an oracle of knowledge, that's why. But I did have several hints. First, I had to switch my gorgeous marine blue jacket for...
21 novembre 2008

Mon beau sapin

Mon beau sapin
Once in a while does not harm, I'm using my blog to advertise and support a cause that I like. Christmas is approaching and as every year, some children won't get any presents. Pénélope Bagieu, French cartoonist, launched an original operation. She created...
18 novembre 2008

Belgium, the Vikings and other stories

As I mentioned before on this blog, I am working two part time jobs this year. One of them is giving private classes, teaching mainly German, but other subjects as well (which include Maths, Physics, English, French, History, Geography, and lately, Latin.)...
2 novembre 2008


"Have you seen that sky? Have you seen it? It's blue! It's actually blue! Can you believe it? Sorry, you're going to hear this a lot today. We never get a sky that blue round these parts."And indeed, I landed in Manchester on a sunny Friday morning in...
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