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The Pigdog Diaries

9 octobre 2008


I am sad. I am suffering a great loss. Two of my best companions have passed away. I met them about six years ago and I instantly loved them. In their presence, I was feeling good, comfortable, and they were giving me the force and the courage to go far...
3 octobre 2008


If you think that Ireland is an island where it rains every single day and that the Irish are a bunch of people who drink loads of beer and whiskey, get drunk in pubs and then get loud and sing old songs about love at the time of the great famine... Well,...
27 août 2008

Follow the red brick road

Follow the red brick road
Ok ok, if you insist, I will tell you the story about the red brick road. I'll have to make some effort to remember it as it was a month ago already!As I already wrote on a previous post, I was in Boston for three weeks and wanted to make the most of...
27 juillet 2008

Busy busy

I haven't posted anything for some time now, even though I have loads of things to talk about! Trouble is that I'm very VERY busy at the moment. The last week in camp was full with exciting activities, such as writing shit loads of reports on the school,...
21 juillet 2008

Bad tooth day

Everybody has bad hair days sometimes. Today I had a bad tooth day. One of my wisdom teeth decided to remind me of its existence, maybe to justify its position in my mouth, what do I know? Anyway. Wisdom hurts. And for some unknown reason, I am also very,...
20 juillet 2008

Museum of fine arts

Museum of fine arts
Friday started like this:- What are we doing today Cecile?- Er... Sorry guys you're not going to like this... We're going to a museum.- What kind of museum?- The museum of fine arts. Pleeeeease behave, I'm begging you...- Mmm, it's true that we weren't...
17 juillet 2008

Fenway park, JFK, Cape Cod and good food

Fenway park, JFK, Cape Cod and good food
I hate those spoiled little brats!Naaah I'm alright. It's the second week, and like every second week of every summer camp, the kids feel more confident and feel like they don't need to follow the rules any longer. I had to raise my voice a little, but...
14 juillet 2008

Bicycle trip, Harvard and M.I.T

Bicycle trip, Harvard and M.I.T
After a crazy night out with my neighbour Nancy, I met her again on Saturday afternoon. We drove to Nantasket, a small town on the ocean, and rode bicycles there. It was really pretty there. And I broke the chain of my bike. Bravo. In the evening, I went...
12 juillet 2008

A few photos of Boston

A few photos of Boston
I was on top of the highest tower (Prudential tower) and yes I've been whalewatching in the ocean and saw whales for real! It was truly amazing. The language school where I work is on Washington Street, it's very close to Quincy Market (first photo) and...
11 juillet 2008


It is the fourth time that I work as a group leader for teenagers. I've always had the same age group, 14 to 18. And with time, I notice that a group of teenagers always includes the same elements. There's always at least one trouble maker. He might not...
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